Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trying: who knows what that means???

I'll do what it takes and try my  best to get commissions and work. Often resulting in NO work. I'm a little spammy, a little impersonal. Just like other situations in life, you only get better by trying. 

NOTE: You can not get better at dying.

We all see this, people try and sell their tweets, mentions in blogs. I get strangers off the street saying I should be in their gallery, or art something, trying to sell me stuff, overpriced prints, expensive thousand dollar colored pencils, tickets to events; trying to convince me it'll pay off. No one should ever have to convince you of anything. 

There are a lot of  awards you can buy, for example. You can get published in artbooks from $60-$2500, depending on how well they hide the bought space. A Raw artist nomination will cost you about $200, a lot of social media promotion, in the end, you look like an idiot at some event desperately begging for someone to look at your work. (My experience was a line of signatures, photos, and facebook friend requests, and of course being overly drunk)

There are lots of events and award ceremonies that do nothing for your career. Resumes are useless, experience isn't. Do what it takes... even if its cold calling, or copy-pasting some generic message all over the freaking internet. Trying is getting your hands in the freaking dirt, and pulling something good out of it, never giving up. Just doing it. It's no days off, no rest, no concern about people's opinion of you.

Thank you for your time,
Cedric C.

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